
ReWaCEM Leaflet II - Project Results

ReWaCEM Leaflet I - Project Approach

Scientific Publications (OPEN ACCESS external Link)

Institution Authors Title Conference / Media External Link
AIZ S. Randazzo, R. Gueccia, A. Culcasi, A. Cipollina, G. Micale, J. Koschikowski, W. Warmuth, L. Pernice Recovery of pickling acid solutions by membrane technology: the EU REWACEM Project EGGA Assembly 2017 atti_EGGA2017.pdf
UNIPA S. Randazzo, R. Gueccia, A. Culcasi, A. Cipollina, G. Micale Effective recovery of HCl and metals from pickling solutions by cutting-edge membrane technologies INTERGALVA, 25th International Galvanizing Conference, 17-22 June 2018, Berlin, Germany Conference paper_INTERGALVA_UNIPA.pdf
UNIPA R. Gueccia, S. Randazzo, D. Chillura Martino, A. Cipollina, G. Micale Experimental investigation and modelling of diffusion dialysis for the recovery of waste acid solutions Euromembrane, 09-13 July 2018, Valencia, Spain gueccia et al.pdf
UNIPA R. Gueccia, S. Randazzo, D. Chillura Martino, A. Cipollina, G. Micale Experimental investigation and modeling of diffusion dialysis for HCl recovery from waste pickling solution Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 235, 01/04/2019, Pages 202-212 Gueccia et al 2019.pdf

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the Topic SPIRE-01-2016 "Systematic approaches for resource-efficient water management systems in process industries" with the accronym ReWaCEM under grant agreement No 723729.